Our Purpose
Creating a more just world.
How we achieve that
By sharing stories that positively impact the lives of marginalized people.
Creating a more just world.
By sharing stories that positively impact the lives of marginalized people.
While the people behind Witness Change are of diverse nationalities, ethnicities, sexualities, identities and lived experience, we are all joined in a belief that change is possible.
Through our work around the world we’ve seen that it is marginalized populations that are the most vulnerable to environmental crises. We therefore feel it is our obligation to limit our activities that might contribute towards climate change. We do that by reducing our carbon and plastic footprint where we can and offsetting both where we can’t. We hope that our efforts to become plastic and carbon neutral will encourage others to do the same.
Witness Change works to increase empathy and agency, reduce stigma and improve the lives of people whose stories we amplify. It is essential that our vision, mission and values are understood, supported and demonstrated by all members of staff, board, advisory committee, volunteers and other representatives.
Witness Change practices impact-led storytelling to ensure that the stories we share improve conditions and change lives. Our annual reports explain how this was done and give evidence of the impact. Learn about our programs and the successes achieved below.