The Where Love is Illegal Fellowship
Deadline: 14 February 2022
Where Love Is Illegal shares LGBTQI+ stories of discrimination and survival from around the world. We created Where Love Is Illegal because we believe that stories have the power to break down the barriers that divide communities.
When stories are shared, who controls the narrative matters. The stories of marginalized communities are often told by outsiders, rarely by people with similar lived experiences. The Where Love Is Illegal Fellowship is designed to support LGBTQI+ identifying photographers to contribute to the narratives that define queer communities. These awards will allow fellows to create original photographic work and record testimonies about the queer experience.
The successful applicants will demonstrate an original vision and a strong understanding of the importance of personal narratives.
Three grants will be awarded to three fellows. One 5000USD grant and two 2500USD grants.
The grants are intended to be used to produce new work (or support the continuation of an existing project). Witness Change (the not-for-profit organisation behind Where Love Is Illegal) will work with partners and on social media to ensure the work reaches audiences around the world.
The work created during the Fellowship must include personal testimonies from those featured in the photographs. The Fellowship is restricted to work produced in Africa, Europe, or the Middle East, but photographers can apply from anywhere in the world. Preference will be given to those who have a connection to the area where the photography will take place.
Applications must be received by 14 February, 2022. Winners will be announced by 21 February, 2022. All applications must include a proposal to create new work (or continue an existing project). The work must be completed before 24 April, 2022 in order to be released during Pride 2022.
What Information must you provide?
Witness Change treats your personal information as sensitive and will only reveal such details you wish to be made public.
What is required in the Project Description?
The Project Description should explain why the stories you wish to share are important and how you plan to complete the project. Please include:
We may have questions about your project proposal, so be sure to share contact information you will regularly check the week of 14 February, 2022.
IMPORTANT: A Where Love is Illegal Fellowship project will be made up of photographs accompanied by personal testimonies. We define a personal testimony as a true experience from someone’s life, told in their own words. Successful Project Descriptions will explain how you will make your pictures and collect testimonies. Your Project Description must be a maximum of 400 words.
If you expect your project to continue beyond 24 April 2022, please explain why this is necessary in the Project Description. Extensions can only be given to projects that begin production before 30 March, 2022 and with a compelling reason. Even if your project continues beyond the deadline, we will need to be able to publish some of your work so will need at least 10 photographs with testimonies before 24 April 2022.
A personal narrative is a true story told by the person being photographed who experienced it. This can be collected as a written statement, an audio recording, a question and answer interview, etc. You must quote people directly and you cannot change their words. All stories on Where Love is Illegal are examples of personal narratives paired with pictures, Noelle’s Story is a good example of this. Regardless of how you collect personal narratives, we must receive testimonies in writing in english. It is important to note that, because many testimonies are long, Witness Change will need to edit (without changing the words) testimonies when they are published on social media, in the media and/or in exhibitions. We will do our best to remain faithful to the spirit of the testimony.
For many LGBTQI+ identifying people around the world, sharing their story could put them at risk. Winners will be expected to do everything in their power to protect the identities of the people they meet. It is not necessary to share real names or for people to show their face if there are concerns about security. The Witness Change team will work with Fellows to ensure best practices are taken to protect both on the ground and digitally.
The Where Love Is Illegal Fellowship has been funded thanks to the donation from one of our corporate partners who wishes, for the moment, to remain anonymous.
If you are awarded the Where Love is Illegal Fellowship, Witness Change has the right to publication of all images/stories you collect and any previous images/stories collected as part of the same project.
In order to protect people’s autonomy, you will be expected to collect signed permission forms or video testimonies of consent. The Where Love Is Illegal Fellow will be responsible for the security of data relating to the people featured in photographs. The Fellow will treat this information with sensitivity and not divulge any information featured individuals wish to keep private.
You retain ownership of the copyright of all work produced by you. Witness Change and its partners (including media partners) may be granted use of your images without additional fee or payment, however Witness Change will work to secure payment wherever possible. Any payment Witness Change receives for publication of your work in media outlets will be forwarded to you minus a small processing fee.
Please note that payments are not always immediate and, in order to save on transaction fees, may be lumped together. Usage fees and the awarded grant may also be subject to exchange rate fluctuations and transaction fees.
By submitting your application, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
Where Love is Illegal is a platform for LGBTQI+ stories of discrimination and surivival from around the world. 70 countries have criminal laws against sexual activity by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex people. That’s 70 countries where people who love each other must do so in secret. Sadly, discrimination and hatred is not limited to countries that outlaw love. Worldwide, violence and prejudice against the LGBTQI+ community is rampant, targeting those who simply wish to live openly as themselves. Media outlets often tell us about laws, crimes and atrocities – but too often we don’t hear from the people themselves, the people who dare to love in places where their love is illegal. Began by photographer Robin Hammond, Witness Change has documented the personal testimonies of the LGBTQI+ community around the world. Those who participated in this global storytelling campaign often chose how they wanted to pose, what to wear and how to present themselves. They hand wrote their stories and letters to be shared with the world. Now the project is open to anyone from the LGBTQI+ community who wishes to share their story to tell the world they exist and are not alone.
Witness Change works to create a more just world through the sharing of stories that positively impact the lives of marginalized people. Witness Change partners with subject experts, local partners, international NGOs and major media outlets to create far reaching, impactful campaigns. We have worked with organizations such as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) & the Elton John Aids Foundation (EJAF) to improve the lives of people and media outlets such as National Geographic and the Guardian to ensure their stories are heard. Witness Change’s current projects include Where Love Is Illegal, In My World, a campaign which amplifies stories of people living with mental health conditions, and 1000 Dreams, a storytelling project which supports refugees to take back control of their narrative.
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